Helping You Honor and Glorify God in All You Think, Do, Say, and Feel

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Important BRBC Announcement...

Posted: June 2, 2010

Dear BRBC Family,
It has been an amazing 2010 so far! It's hard to believe that BRBC was planted only an year and a half ago and God has done so much to build His Kingdom as a result. I am truly in awe of Him and His mercy and grace toward us - to think that while we were still dead in our sin and loving it, Christ died and rose and offered us Eternal Life, joy, peace, and rest in Jesus! I am amazed at His love!
"Helping you honor and glorify God in all you think, do, say, and feel" has been our motto from the beginning, and will remain our very focus for years to come as well. As a result of God's faithfulness to empower us to live this out and blessing our earthly efforts to accomplish this, not only in our personal lives, but also our BR community as a whole, BRBC is GROWING! We are growing both spiritually and numerically and have been shoulder to shoulder on sunday mornings for quite some time. 
After much prayer and consideration God has led us to begin holding two services to help BRBC reach the lost, equip believers, and help meet the overall needs of our friends and families in Blue Ridge, and beyond. 
Two services should not only allow us to grow, but will also give us the time we need to explore the best options available to get us all back together in one service as soon as possible. 
Starting the next few weeks you will be receiving more detailed information about how you can serve @ BRBC. This is both an exciting and vital time in the life of BRBC and we will need YOU and your family to be more involved than EVER before. 
What an amazing blessing and responsibility God has given to us. Let's continue to make preaching and teaching God's Word, reaching the lost, equipping the believers, and helping you honor and glorify God in all you think, do, say, and feel - the main thing @ BRBC!
Our new service times that will begin on June 13th are as follows: 
Early Worship Service 9:00 am 
Late Worship Service 11:00 am
Children's church will be offered at both the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services. 
If you have any questions concerning our new schedule, please feel free to e-mail me at 
I love you all and praise God to be serving such a wonderful body of believers!

Devotions Aren't Magic...

Posted: May 4, 2010

There are many articles I've read concerning the importance of having a "set aside time" with God through prayer and His Word. This one is short, to the point, Biblical in its points, and extremely encouraging. I want to ask you to read it, apply it, and let the love for the Lord be the overwhelming wave that drives you to spend time with Him each and every day.
May 4, 2010  |  By: Jon Bloom  |  Category: Commentary
We know that—for the most part. But still, we can be tempted to think that if we just figure out the secret formula—the right mixture of Bible meditation and prayer—we will experience euphoric moments of rapturous communion with the Lord. And if that doesn’t happen, our formula must be wrong.
The danger of this misconception is that it can produce chronic disappointment and discouragement. Cynicism sets in and we give up because devotions don't seem to work for us.
The longing for intimate communion with God is God-given. He will satisfy it fully some day. And the Spirit gives us occasional tastes. But God has other purposes for us in our daily Bible meditation and prayer. Here are a few:
  1. Soul Exercise (1 Corinthians 9:24, Romans 15:4): We exercise our bodies to increase strength, endurance, promote general health, and keep unnecessary weight off. Devotions are like exercise for our souls. They force our attention off of self-indulgent distractions and pursuits and on to God’s purposes and promises. If we neglect this exercise we will go to pot.
  2. Soul Shaping (Romans 12:2): The body will generally take the shape of how we exercise it. Running shapes one way, weight training shapes another way. The same is true for the soul. It will conform to how we exercise (or don’t exercise) it.
  3. Bible Copiousness (Psalm 119:11, Psalm 119:97, Proverbs 23:12): A thorough, repeated, soaking in the Bible over the course of years increases our body of biblical knowledge, providing fuel for the fire of worship and increasing our ability to draw from all parts of the Bible in applying God’s wisdom to life.
  4. Fight Training (Ephesians 6:10-17): Marines undergo rigorous training in order to so ingrain their weapons knowledge that when suddenly faced with the chaos of combat they instinctively know what to do. Similarly, devotions make us more skilled warriors.
  5. Delight Cultivation (Psalm 37:3-4, James 4:8, Psalm 130:5): When a couple falls in love there are hormonal fireworks. But in marriage they must cultivate delight in one another. It is the consistent, persistent, faithful, intentional, affectionate pursuit of one another during better and worse, richer and poorer, sickness and healthy times that cultivates a capacity for delight in each other far deeper and richer than the fireworks phase. Similarly, devotions are one of the ways we cultivate delight in God. Many days it may seem mundane. But we will be surprised at the cumulative power they have to deepen our love for and awareness of Him.

Who are we fighting against?

Posted: April 5, 2010

While meditating on Romans 12 this morning, verse 9 hit me like a ton of bricks.

Romans 12:9 starts out with a four word sentence that says, "Let love be genuine." 
I can handle that, I think. On the surface it seems to be something "doable" and not 
so difficult. However, when you throw flattery and loving someone for what you can 
get out of the situation and such... Then it gets more complicated. Ok, I need to be 
careful to recognize that I need help there... But that's not what really got me today.

It was the next part of verse 9, "Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good.

I had a note I had scribbled in at one time that asked the following question: 
"Do you rebel against God, or (Satan) evil?

I didn't write a date beside this one so I don't know when I wrote it, but it floored me
as I asked myself that simple question again today.

I realized, once more, that I am battling the Lord far too much, and far more often than
 I'm willing to publically announce.

I began to think through many of the times I've recently sinned and tried to define 
the reasons I sinned instead of glorifying God by being His obedient servant. 
I found no good reason for me (us) to rebel against God.

Too many to count were the times I've given into temptation and my flesh because I "wanted to". 
So, in other words, instead of wanting to please God, I wanted to please myself.

The ironic thing is that's how God designed us to be! We are made to follow what pleases
 us the most, so, whatever we get the most pleasure in, that's what we go for. If we receive 
the most pleasure from sin, we pursue it. If we receive the most pleasure from God, 
we pursue Him. However, as Lewis put it, "we are far too easily pleased." (meaning, 
too easily pleased by sin and earthly or temporary things).

Because of our flesh we tend to follow the flesh. We follow the LIE  that our flesh feeds us,
 and so in turn we feed our flesh because it's offering (temporary) pleasures and satisfaction; 
which ultimately end up destroying us.

However, if we are born again, Christians, followers of Jesus - our deepest desire 
and joy and comfort and peace and pleasure comes from honoring and pleasing and 
finding our ultimate satisfaction in God and God alone! But that's not so easy to live 
because many times we "buy the LIE" of the flesh instead of seeing it for what it truly is.

In order to live our lives finding God as our ultimate pleasure, we must fight the LIE that 
Satan and our flesh are offering us and wage war against them both! We must 
"Abhor what is evil; (&) hold fast to what is good." we must put Eph. 6:10-29 into action and live it!

So I ask you, as I ask myself today:

1. Do you rebel against God, or Satan?

2. Who do you fight against the most, God or Satan?

3. Do you hold fast and firm to what God says is good; if not, then why?

4. What do you (we) need to change in order to "fight the good fight 
of faith and finish the course" in a way that glorifies God and shows 
others that HE is our greatest peace and pleasure?

5. Now, find someone you can partner with that will help hold you 
accountable, be a Godly teammate with whom you can fight against Satan and your 
flesh, and who will help you love and hold fast to what God loves and 
desires you to do.


Holiness of God...

Posted:  Feb. 25, 2010

While studying for my sermon Sunday I've realized more and more that I have no concept of the holiness of God. If I did, my life would be completely different. 
Our lives as Christians go something like that, don't they?
We think we've got a grip on God and what following Him is all about, but then He opens our eyes a little more and we fall to our knees because we realize how unrighteous and unholy and irreverent we've treated Him, viewed Him and talked to and about Him. 
I feel like Job during these times. It seems that God says... "Who are you, little man on the earth known as Tim Camp, not to honor me by putting ME first when you make ANY of "your" decisions? Who are you to say "you" figured something out or made something grow or caused this or that to happen? Who are you to say "you" helped this person or that person with this or that issue? Was it not ME who was working in you to accomplish MY good pleasure by giving you the desire and passion to accomplish those things in the first place (Philippians 2:12-13)? Was it not "I" that said that apart from ME you can't do ANYTHING, but if you abide in ME you will bear much fruit (John 15:5)?
Yes, we can come boldly before the throne of God without being afraid of being "squashed" because of our unworthiness. And, yes, we are God's children, and an heir also because of, and through Jesus our Savior. But how often I forget that I am serving a holy and righteous God and I am to come before Him in REVERENCE!!!
I am here on earth. God's Throne is in Heaven... may I be careful with my words, quick to listen and obey, and slow to speak so my words to my Holy Lord will be reverent and give honor to Him. 
We would be wise to recognize "our place". 
Please don't think I'm saying we cant speak our heart to God... God knows our heart anyway (Psalm 44:21; 139:1-4). What I'm saying is that - in our "routine" of being "open" and "real" with God, we tend to forget that we are talking and communing with the Most High and Holy God of ALL gods. 
1. Have you been approaching God as God, or simply someone else on the list of "To Do's"?
2. Do your prayers and actions say that you have a reverence for God?
3. Have you forgotten that it is God who works His will and pleasure in you and that you are nothing without Him?
4. Are there things in your heart and life that you need to change in order to show others that you have a reference for God?
5. Do you (like me) need to ask God's forgiveness for not living with reverence towards Him?
6. Will you pray for strength to live as an example of someone that has a holy reverence for God?
7. Will you help others do the same?
Thanks for listening to my thoughts while I'm studying Ecclesiastes 5 and Job 38-40

A Time To Lose The Past...

Posted: Nov. 10, 2009

I think you’ll agree that sometimes it’s nice to get away from things, collect your thoughts, refocus, and rejuvenate yourself. Yesterday was one of those days for me. I wasn’t stressed out or overwhelmed with life, but I did have an opportunity to take a break from the norm and escape for a few hours. For me, that escape is usually fishing - and I love it.
While my boys are in school my fishing buddy is my cousin, that we affectionally call “Grump”... I’ll explain why some other time, but just to set your mind at ease, he’s a really great guy. 
While me and Grump were in the water yesterday we started talking about regrets from the past and the guilt we have from time to time (that many live with and can’t escape from) as a result. Grump is 70-ish and so he has a few more years under his belt than I do, which means he has more past to sort through, and therefore more time to have guilt and regrets. 
Oh, what we can learn from those who walk before us. - SELAH - 
As we were talking through some things that we would do differently if we could go back and do a “re-take”, Grump recalled a situation that ended up helping us get things into perspective in a major way. The short story was...
A few years ago we were fishing from a dock with the boys and one of them (who will remain unnamed) set their pole down to rest a moment - and at that very moment - a fish bit the bait and took off with Grumps rod and reel combo he lent him to use for the day - and it wasn’t one of the “cheap-os”. My son felt so bad! Grump didn’t care, he wouldn’t let us replace it, and we still laugh about it today - even my son.
As we recalled the situation we laughed again and we talked about how we didn’t ever want “my son” to feel guilty about losing that pole. Grump said it was really “no big deal” and that there is never any reason “the boy” should feel guilty - it was over and done with.
Then he said something that simply made everything pop into place. He said “I guess that’s the way God wants us to feel about our past”. God doesn’t want us to wallow in our past sin. He wants us to repent, ask His forgiveness, and move on. 
YES, YES, that’s it!!!
As Christians, believers and followers of Jesus Christ, our sin is forgiven, washed away!  Jesus nailed them all to the cross - then He said it was finished! . Jesus paid the great outstanding debt that we owed because of our sin. We could not repay this debt of sin we owed God almighty, only Jesus could  cancel it - and He did!!!
Colossians 2:13-24
“And you, who were dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made alive together with him, having forgiven us all our trespasses, by canceling the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands. This he set aside, nailing it to the cross.”
Then, when we do sin... 
1 John 2:1-2
“My little children, I am writing these things to you so that you may not sin. But if anyone does sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world.”
Then in...
1 John 1:8-9
“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
We can be forgiven, the guilt can be washed away, and we can have a perfect - one on one - relationship with God Almighty as a result of what Jesus has done, and is continuing to do.
We may be able to get out of the hustle and bustle of life by hopping into a Kayak and heading down a creek... but only Jesus can take the sin and guilt away from our hearts, lives, and eternal record. 
The hard part for us is to realize it.
Are you struggling with guilt from past sin and failures? Do you feel there’s no way God will ever forgive you for what you’ve done, the sin you’ve committed and still struggle with? 
God not only loves you, He proved/demonstrated His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us as we see in Romans 5:8.
Ecclesiastes 3:6 says that there is “a time to seek, and a time to lose;”
Don’t know about you, but I think it’s time we lose the guilt and shame of our sin that we unnecessarily burden ourselves with. We need to realize that we are FREE from sin, it’s power, and it’s guilt - as we learn from 
John 8:36 “if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
If we don’t want our children or friends to live a life filled with guilt and regret because of some mistake or sin against us - how much more does our Heavenly Father want us to live without the guilt and shame of our sin - that He has already paid for and forgiven?
Last questions...
Are you forgiven by God? Has there truly been a time that you’ve repented (turned from and changed your mind about) your sin, confessed your belief in Jesus as your Lord, Boss, and only way to be forgiven and made right with God? 
If not, today is the day. For further thoughts and direction, e-mail me at I would love to talk with you about what God is doing in your heart and life and how He is drawing you closer to Him.

A Tough Question...

Posted: October 15, 2009

A dear and close friend of mine asked me a tough question that I thought others might be asking as well, so I decided to answer it here in my blog. I hope this helps. It's not an exhaustive answer, but it’s an answer non the less. 
My short, non-exhaustive answer: 
1. Many feel that they are wholeheartedly preaching the Truth -but- are clearly wrong in their preaching. They may be honestly mistaken because they spent "little to no time” studying. Perhaps they thought they already had a "good and proper" understanding of the verse/passage they were preaching. Unfortunately, I've been there before, repented, and try to catch myself when I'm being tempted to preach a particular passage without studying it through - no matter how familiar it is to me. There may be other reasons, but I know that this one is more common than most Pastors/preachers would ever admit. 
2. Talk is cheap. Many feel that they are preaching the Truth, but, as I've personally experienced, we may dive deeper into a passage after we've preached it only to realize that there is a much deeper meaning and we only scratched the surface. (In moments like these, I many times preach the "deeper" version the following week.) 
Still there are others that do a "google search" for a particular topic or word they want to preach on and they don't take the time to look at the context of the particular passage; they only see the "word or phrase" and automatically think it applies and so they use it - un-Biblically at that. 
Still others don't even attempt to "rightly divide the Word of Truth" such as the "Bennie Henn's and Kenneth Copeland's of the world. Their fruit shows us that they are merely in "ministry" for selfish gain and want folks to "sow financial seeds" into it to help them buy their new Jet or vacation home.
3. Some are "Wolves" that intentionally deceive. 
Ezekiel 22:27-28 gives us a great example of what the wolves/false prophets  such as the ones listed above intentionally do. 
"27 Her princes in her midst are like wolves y tearing the prey, shedding blood, destroying lives to get dishonest gain. 28 And a her prophets have smeared whitewash for them, seeing false visions and divining lies for them, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord God,’ when the Lord has not spoken."
so we see right here that many are sent as "intentional deceivers" from THE deceiver, the Devil.  
Also, in Matthew 7:15, Jesus tells us "“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”
Again, some intentionally deceive, they are called "wolves" by Jesus, and "dogs" by Paul in Philippians 3:2, either way, they claim to be walking in the light, but the Truth is not in them, it is far from their hearts. 
So how can we determine if we are or aren't preaching, teaching, or taking Scripture in context? 
1. STUDY God's Word!!!
One of the most effective ways is to STUDY!!! It seems that the Bible, which is the most important book that has ever been written, read, or published is the most understudied book in the world. 
You would never go in for a final exam and expect to pass without studying, yet we constantly ask and expect God to bless our day while consistently neglecting the study of His Holy Word. We take advantage of His grace and mercy but still expect it to be available for us to abuse, I mean use whenever we need it. The abuse comment was meant as a joke, but it's more of a reality in our lives than most of us care to admit. 
So, how are there so many that aren't "rightly dividing the Word of Truth"? Because the average Christian doesn't study it apart from Sunday and 
maybe Wednesday. 
2. Expose yourself to sound doctrine and Biblical teaching. 
Be involved not only in your own local church/body of believers, but also read commentaries by some of the tried and proven Pastors/preachers of old. 
You would be amazed how quickly you will grow as a result of reading what other Godly men have written about a particular passage you're studying. But even then, you must always trust what the Word of God says, not what a man twists it into. 
3. Pray for wisdom and discernment. 
James 1:5
"If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him."
It should be an amazing comfort that God will definitely give you wisdom if we ask Him and do not doubt (as we see in Jam. 1:6)!
Too often we don't receive the wisdom God wants us to have because we don't ask, we doubt, or we choose not to work/study in order to attain it. We must ask for God's help in learning and discerning the Scripture - if that is our goal.
I pray that it is your personal goal to rightly divide the Word of Truth, (the Bible) correctly teach it to others, and most importantly - to LIVE IT!
Tim Camp

Learning From The Next Generation...

Posted: June 16, 2009

We  returned early Saturday morning from a long week @ Camp, long but  very rewarding. We went to bed between 2-3 am each night and were back up @ 7 am or so. That’s Camp!

Ed Newton was the main speaker each evening; relates to the students really well. It was a blessing to spend some time with him during the week too.
It seems the more I hang around the next generation of leaders the more I have hope that they will continue to rise up and honor our Lord with their families. 
Many times it’s discouraging to see so many following their own sinful lusts and desires - so much so that I feel like throwing up my arms and giving up; but never give up, and never lose hope - never, as long as you are trusting in Christ. It is Christ Jesus that’s calling and raising up the next generation, not us alone. We are following His plan, He is not submitting to ours - PRAISE HIM FOR THAT!!!

When I come to that realization that I’m once again encouraged and filled with hope! this past week was one of those times I looked around at what God is doing and was deeply encouraged. There were many students that I got to know better while @ Falls Creek; a few from our group, but many from others as well. As I began to hear their heart and listen to their struggles I also heard an inner thirst to honor God with their lives - it was amazing!!!
What an encouragement during these awkward times to know that their are youth, students, and young men and women that God is growing to lead the next generation!
Take heart, be encouraged, have hope in God!!! 
Psalm 145:4 was our verse for the week @ Camp. I’m so thankful God allowed me to experience and see some of our future leaders in action... One generation shall declare the mighty works of God to the next..!

Somebody's Watching...

Posted: August 13, 2009

One of the joys of being a kid is having a sleepover or camp out with your buddies & I was blessed to have both from time to time. I remember one time I was sleeping over at a buddies house and we watched this Disney flick called “Watcher in the Woods”. It was one of those movies that you helped convince your friends Mom was “o.k.” and that you knew your parents wouldn’t have a problem with - but you were slapping “high fives” behind their Mom’s back because you knew you had successfully pulled the wool over her eyes and had the opportunity of a lifetime to watch something that you knew you could never get away with at “your house”. YES! I know it was wrong... please save the sermons :0).
This movie was really creepy - especially to a couple of 10-12 year old kids that weren't exposed to much of that. Every where the kids went in the movie they felt like something was right there - watching their every move... we were all spooked out by it because  - SOMEONE REALLY WAS WATCHING THEM!!! WHOAAAAAAA!!!
I still get the creeps (a little at least) when I remember how I felt back then, but I get even more when I realize that it’s a reality in the life of every human soul. Somebody is always watching you! They may not be “watching you in the woods”, but they are watching none the less. 
While preaching through Galatians 5 the reality hit me once again... people are always watching and the way we “walk” a.k.a. “our way of life” or “manner of living” - always. Like it or nor, that’s the truth.
People see how we live our lives. The way we talk, walk, our attitude, our outward actions, the decisions we make, the motives behind those decisions, the feelings we have, the way we feel or think or act towards others, the way we lead our families, the things we buy, the things we don’t buy, what we do with our money as a whole, the money we give away, the things we invest in, how we spend our time, the people we spend our time with... In short “Everything We Think, Do, Say & Feel” is the way we walk & people see it and are influenced by it. 
We are speaking volumes by the way we live our life - so what are we telling the world? What are you telling the world; an even better question - your family?
You see, our family sees what goes on behind closed doors, when all our defenses are down, when we feel free to be short or angry, or when there’s no one to impress with how “spiritual” we think we are - our family sees us. When there’s no one to catch us doing something “out of the box”, or when there’s an easy way to cover or justify our sin & we think no one will be the wiser - our family sees us. When, instead of using our home as a refuge and safe haven, a place to model “as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord”, we use it as a place to practice private sin - our family sees.
More importantly, God sees. 
1 Corinthians 4:5 “Therefore do not go on passing judgment before the time, but wait until the Lord comes who will both bring to light the things hidden in the darkness and disclose the motives of men's hearts; and then each man's praise will come to him from God.”
Hebrews 4:12-13 “For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. 13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.”
You see, whereas it’s important to live a Spirit filled, Fruit of the Spirit bearing life... aka, to “walk in the Spirit” because of the example it sets for others to follow, it’s even more important that we are concerned about the way we live because God, who sees everything - even the heart - is the one who is going to judge us. He will reward the believer for their walk, He will issue the crowns to you for His honor and glory, and He will place the final and eternal judgement of the Lake of Fire on those who are not His own. 
It is God who we should be concerned most about pleasing - not man. We should fear His judgement, not the judgement of our friends, family, and coworkers. Jesus said it best in:
Matthew 10:28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.”
So, as we seek to honor and glorify God in all we think, do, say, and feel, let us remember that it is not only “others” that are watching - from the woods or behind the doors of our own home - that we have a responsibility to set the example for, as we see in:
Matthew 5:13-16 13 “You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. 14 “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.
However, let us remember...
Psalm 139
But that it is God that sees all, hears all, and will judge all. 
1 O LORD, you have searched me
and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
you perceive my thoughts from afar.
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
4 Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.
5 You hem me in—behind and before;
you have laid your hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too lofty for me to attain.
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
It is our Heavenly Father that is watching and it’s Him that we serve. 
Let us do so faithfully. 

Unconditional Love...

Posted: August 6, 2009

Whether they admit it or not, unconditional love is something that each and every human on the planet longs for. From the moment we take our first full breath of oxogen we long to be held close. We know when someone is nervous about holding us, and even pick up on the tones of the voices around us,  sensing the security and serenity of the environment we’re in - or the lack thereof. Believe me, we long to be unconditionally loved and accepted from the moment we feel or sense it’s lacking; and as soon as we feel it’s not there we want it - and want it in a major way. 
Imagine if you would being accepted by the one person that matters the most to you - the most important one in your life. A Mom or Dad that is either here or passed on, an Aunt or Uncle, a friend, your spouse, a sibling, or even a teacher or Pastor. What would it be like if you could say in your heart, without hesitation, that they “totally and unconditionally loved and accepted”... you? They would still stand up to you when you’re wrong & teach you the better way, but they would never stop loving and accepting you as your friend or loved one. How would you feel if you never had to worry about that relationship going away, but that the more time you spent together, the closer you became? 
Most people would be completely and totally relieved if they knew another person would have this sort of “unconditional love” for them. 
The ironic thing is that the Creator of all the universe cares for His children in this very way - yet few truly remember and rejoice in the fact that He does. 
If we were to truly realize how much God loves - “unconditionally loves” us, I believe our lives would be completely different. Our troubles on the worst day of our lives thus far are not worth comparing to the glory that is to be revealed to us...(Romans 8:18).  Glory that is revealed by God to those He loves - ALL His children!  
God loves us with an “unconditional love” because of Jesus! He loves and accepts us because of what Jesus has done on the cross, not because being in a relationship with us befits Him. He loves us because He loves us! Not because of the “works” we do to show Him our love for Him.
How freeing it should be to know that the God of all things, of all creation, that is above all things and is perfectly holy, just, and righteous in every way - LOVES YOU “UNCONDITIONALLY”! And not because you don’t sin, because we all do, not because you sin less than the next guy, because we’re all unrighteous and we’ve all sinned and fallen short of His glory and the mark He’s set... not because of anything we’ve done, are doing, or will do, but because of Jesus and what He has done!
What a privilege to be an actual child, a son or daughter of God Almighty!
1 John 3:1
“See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.” 
It is an “unconditional love” because God loves us not because of our merit, but because of Jesus!
Romans 8:31-39
31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things? 33 Who shall bring any charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is to condemn? Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised—who is at the right hand of God, who indeed is interceding for us. 35 Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? 36 As it is written,
“For your sake we are being killed all the day long;
we are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.”
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, 39 nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Why do we fret, why do we worry, why do we sacrifice the peace and joy we long for - the “unconditional love” we long to have for and from someone when we have the love of our Heavenly Father?
We are not in sin to long for those human relationships - I’m not saying that. But what I am saying is that I believe we trust in them a little too much when it comes to finding our significance, our place, our purpose. Our peace must first come from knowing and being accepted - “unconditionally loved” - by God alone.
Walk and pray with me as I seek to practice this. As Paul, I pray I find my place, value and acceptance -from God, above all others.