We returned early Saturday morning from a long week @ Camp, long but very rewarding. We went to bed between 2-3 am each night and were back up @ 7 am or so. That’s Camp!
Ed Newton was the main speaker each evening; relates to the students really well. It was a blessing to spend some time with him during the week too.
It seems the more I hang around the next generation of leaders the more I have hope that they will continue to rise up and honor our Lord with their families.
Many times it’s discouraging to see so many following their own sinful lusts and desires - so much so that I feel like throwing up my arms and giving up; but never give up, and never lose hope - never, as long as you are trusting in Christ. It is Christ Jesus that’s calling and raising up the next generation, not us alone. We are following His plan, He is not submitting to ours - PRAISE HIM FOR THAT!!!

When I come to that realization that I’m once again encouraged and filled with hope! this past week was one of those times I looked around at what God is doing and was deeply encouraged. There were many students that I got to know better while @ Falls Creek; a few from our group, but many from others as well. As I began to hear their heart and listen to their struggles I also heard an inner thirst to honor God with their lives - it was amazing!!!
What an encouragement during these awkward times to know that their are youth, students, and young men and women that God is growing to lead the next generation!
Take heart, be encouraged, have hope in God!!!
Psalm 145:4 was our verse for the week @ Camp. I’m so thankful God allowed me to experience and see some of our future leaders in action... One generation shall declare the mighty works of God to the next..!
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